Existential OCD

What is existential OCD?

Existential OCD is a term we use for OCD that revolves around intrusive and distressing thoughts related to the nature of existence, meaning of life, and/or mortality. These thoughts often lead to a pervasive sense of anxiety, fear, and uncertainty, which can significantly impact the individual's quality of life.

Symptoms of Existential OCD

The core feature of Existential OCD is the presence of obsessions, which are intrusive and unwanted thoughts, images, or impulses that persistently and uncontrollably pop into the person's mind. These obsessions can be related to a variety of existential themes, such as the fear of death, the meaninglessness of life, the nature of reality, or the existence of God. For example, a person with Existential OCD may obsess over questions like "What happens after we die?" or "What is the purpose of existence?" and find themselves unable to shake off these thoughts.

One aspect about this form of OCD that some find particularly challenging is the fact that the obsessions are often abstract, unanswerable, and not based on real-life situations or events. Unlike other forms of OCD, which can involve concrete concerns such as contamination or harm, Existential OCD can feel like a philosophical or existential crisis that permeates every aspect of the person's life. Moreover, the obsessions are often accompanied by intense feelings of guilt, shame, or dread, as the person may interpret their thoughts as a reflection of their character, beliefs, or values.

To cope with these obsessions, people with Existential OCD may engage in compulsions, which are repetitive behaviors or mental acts aimed at reducing anxiety or preventing harm. These compulsions can take various forms, such as engaging in philosophical debates or discussions, performing mental rituals or prayers, googling information about religion, reality, or philosophy, or avoiding content that involves ideas around the nature of reality. However, while these compulsions may provide temporary relief, they often reinforce the obsessions and lead to a vicious cycle of anxiety and avoidance.

The time spent involved with rituals related to OCD can lead someone to devote more and more of their life to this search for understanding, and therefore significantly impact a person's mental health, relationships, and daily functioning. It can cause feelings of isolation, hopelessness, and despair, as well as interfere with work, school, or social activities. 

Treatment for Existential OCD

Fortunately, like all other forms of OCD, Existential OCD can be effectively treated. Through learning how to tolerate uncertainty and identify and commit to one’s best rational guess, one can reduce the impact of their intrusive thoughts and free themselves from their OCD. At our practice, we provide gold standard OCD treatment to help you get the results you are looking for. For more information on how treatment for OCD works, click here. If you are interested in receiving treatment for Existential OCD, contact us here.


Suicide/ Self Harm OCD


Contamination OCD