Metaphysical Contamination OCD

Metaphysical Contamination OCD is a unique subtype of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder that revolves around irrational fears of spiritual or metaphysical contamination. Folks with this theme worry that if they make a wrong choice or act with a bad thought in their head they will bring upon future misfortune. The fears around what this future misfortune could be vary widely, but here are some examples:

  • If I wear the wrong jacket I will lose my job

  • If I call my mom with a bad thought in my head, she may get sick or die

  • If I have a thought about the devil while I’m changing, I might go to hell

  • If I get the wrong gift for my girlfriend, it will curse our relationship

  • If I don’t book this vacation while in the “right” mindset, the vacation will be ruined.

Like all themes of OCD, metaphysical contamination OCD is very treatable. By using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques such as Exposure and Response Prevention as well as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, our staff can help guide you to have a healthier relationship with the broken alarm system in your mid that sends threats around contaminating different choices or relationships. By learning how to respond to these signals differently, we can disempower the intrusive thoughts, empower ourselves, and gain back control of our lives. If you are interested in receiving treatment for Contamination OCD, contact us here.


Contamination OCD