Postpartum OCD

Postpartum OCD: Understanding the Condition and Its Symptoms

Postpartum OCD is a lesser-known mental health condition that affects some people after giving birth. It is a subtype of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), often caused or exacerbated by the hormonal fluctuations, change in routine, and greater life changes that come with giving birth and raising a newborn, and can manifest itself in a variety of ways. In this article, we will explore what postpartum OCD is, its symptoms, and how it can be treated.

What is Postpartum OCD?

Postpartum OCD is a type of OCD that occurs after childbirth. It is characterized by intrusive, unwanted thoughts or images related to the baby's safety or well-being. The obsessions can be distressing and can lead to intense anxiety and fear. To alleviate this anxiety, those with postpartum OCD engage in repetitive, ritualistic behaviors, such as checking the baby repeatedly or avoiding certain activities that they believe may harm the baby.

Symptoms of Postpartum OCD

The symptoms of postpartum OCD can vary from person to person. Common obsessions associated with postpartum OCD include:

  • Fear of accidentally harming the baby

  • Fear of the baby being kidnapped or abducted

  • Intrusive thoughts about sexual or violent acts towards the baby

  • Constant checking or monitoring of the baby

  • Avoidance of certain activities or situations that may be perceived as dangerous

Those with postpartum OCD may feel overwhelmed by the constant need to check and monitor their baby, leading to exhaustion, anxiety, and depression.

Treatment for Postpartum OCD

The good news is that postpartum OCD can be treated effectively. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most common form of treatment for OCD, including postpartum OCD. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is the specific type of CBT that is considered the gold standard for OCD treatment. It involves gradually exposing the person to their fears and teaching them healthy ways to cope with anxiety, and you can read more about it here.


Postpartum OCD is a type of OCD that occurs after childbirth. People with postpartum OCD experience intrusive, unwanted thoughts or images related to the baby's safety or well-being. Treatment for postpartum OCD involves cognitive-behavioral therapy and with proper care, the symptoms can be managed effectively. If you or someone you know is struggling with postpartum OCD, contact us here to get started on a path to recovery. Remember, you are not alone, and help is available.


Real Event OCD


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