Sexuality OCD

What is Sexuality OCD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) affects millions of people worldwide and comes in many different forms. One subtype is sexuality themed OCD (historically called Homosexual OCD, or HOCD) which is characterized by intrusive thoughts and obsessions about one’s sexual orientation. This subtype of OCD can cause significant distress and can lead to compulsive behaviors or mental rituals to alleviate anxiety. In this article, we will discuss the symptoms, causes, and treatment of sexuality OCD.

Symptoms of Sexuality OCD

Sexuality OCD involves obsessive thoughts about one’s sexual orientation, including unwanted and intrusive thoughts of having wrongly concluded one’s sexual preference. If one identifies as straight, for example, they may have obsessive fears that their understanding of their sexuality is wrong and that they are actually gay, even if the person has no history of same-sex attraction or desires. The same OCD patterns may happen regardless of one’s sexual identity: a gay person may fear that they are actually straight, or a bi or pansexual person may fear that they aren’t bi or pansexual “enough” to be with their partner. 

Individuals with this type of OCD may experience the following symptoms:

  • Fear of being gay, lesbian, or straight

  • Intrusive thoughts of being attracted to a sex they have not historically pursued

  • Excessive worry about their sexual orientation

  • Avoidance of situations or people that may trigger obsessive thoughts or compulsions, such as avoiding gay bars or queer folks

  • Compulsively looking at a certain gender in person or online to test for feelings of arousal

  • Compulsively looking at pornography to test their attraction levels

  • Compulsively checking their genitals or body for feelings of arousal

Treatment for Sexuality OCD; Treatment for HOCD

Fortunately, like all other forms of OCD, Sexuality OCD can be effectively treated. Through learning how to tolerate uncertainty and identify and commit to one’s best rational guess, one can reduce the impact of their intrusive thoughts and free themselves from their OCD. At our practice, we provide gold standard OCD treatment to help you get the results you are looking for. For more information on how treatment for OCD works, click here. If you are interested in receiving treatment for Sexuality OCD, contact us here.


“Pure O” OCD


Scrupulosity OCD